Sunday, January 30, 2011

Aah what a relief it is!

Yesterday was such a beautiful day!  I could actually get myself out of the house to work (excuse me, play) in the yard.  It was like doing a strip tease:  I started out dressed as I've been, in 5 layers, but finally got down to just the tank top.  I did a lot of little things, most important spreading pine bark mulch in NW corner of back yard, not much, but starting to look better.

Today, another wonderful day.  Planted onions, tomato seeds, garlic and a sweet potatoe.  I sowed broccoli seeds a few days ago, but they haven't come up yet.  If the cold gets them, so be it!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Florida Native Tree Giveaway

What a way to start the day.  Linda and I stood in line for 2 hours at the Marion Spoil and Water Conservation District's Native Tree Giveaway.
The line was long, the air was cold, the wind was blowing.  The children we playing the sun and the adults were chatting.  When we finally got to the trees, only 2 were all gone.  We came away with 11 trees total, a bag of Black Kow and Dynamite Fertilizer Samples. 
So now it's time to plant the trees and watch them grow.